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Public Schools in San Francisco, CA

Our database includes records of 121 public schools in San Francisco, California. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
A. P. Giannini Middle
Abraham Lincoln High
Aim High Academy
Alamo Elementary
Alvarado Elementary
Aptos Middle
Argonne Elementary
Balboa High
Benjamin Franklin Middle
Bryant Elementary
Buena Vista Annex
Burton (phillip & Sala) Academic High
Cabrillo Elementary
Carmichael (bessie) Elementary
Carver (george Washington) Elementary
Chavez (cesar) Elementary
Chin (john Yehall) (elem)
Chinese Education Center
Clarendon Elementary School
Cleveland Elementary
Cobb (william L.) Elementary
Commodore Sloat Elementary
Creative Arts Charter
Cross Cultural Enviromental Leadership (xcel) Acad
Davis (gloria R.) Middle
Downtown High (cont.)
Drew (charles R.) Elementary
Edison Charter Academy
El Dorado Elementary
Enola D. Maxwell Middle
Everett Middle
Fairmount Elementary
Flynn (leonard R.) Elementary
Francis Scott Key Elementary
Francisco Middle
Galileo High
Garfield Elementary
Gateway High
George Washington High
Glen Park Elementary
Golden Gate Elementary
Grattan Elementary
Guadalupe Elementary
Harte (bret) Elementary
Herbert Hoover Middle
Hillcrest Elementary
Horace Mann Middle
Independence High (alter.)
International Studies Academy
James Denman Middle
James Lick Middle
Jefferson Elementary
King (martin Luther Jr) Academic Middle
Kipp Bayview Academy
Kipp San Francisco Bay Academy
Lafayette Elementary
Lakeshore Elementary
Lau (gordon J) Elementary
Lawton Elementary
Leadership High (char)
Leadership Public Schools: Richmond
Life Learning Academy Charter #140
Lilienthal (claire B.) Elementary
Longfellow Elementary
Lowell High
Luther Burbank Middle
Malcolm X Academy (elem)
Marina Middle
Marshall (thurgood) Academic High
Marshall Elementary
Mccoppin (frank) Elementary
Mckinley Elementary
Milk (harvey) Civil Rights Elementary
Miraloma Elementary
Mission Education Center
Mission High
Monroe Elementary
Moscone (george R.) Elementary
Muir (john) Elementary
New Traditions Elementary
Newcomer High (lep)
O'connell (john A.) High
Ortega (jose) Elementary
Parker (jean) Elementary
Parks (rosa) Elementary
Peabody (george) Elementary
Presidio Middle
Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High
Redding Elementary
Revere (paul) Elementary
Rooftop Elementary
Roosevelt Middle
San Francisco Community Alternative
San Francisco County Community
San Francisco County Court
Sanchez Elementary
School Of The Arts (high)
Serra (junipero) Elementary
Sheridan Elementary
Sherman Elementary
Small School For Equity
Special Education
Spring Valley Elementary
Starr King Elementary
Stevenson (robert Louis) Elementary
Sunnyside Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Sutro Elementary
Swett (john) Elementary
Taylor (edward R.) Elementary
Twenty-first Century Academy (elem)
Ulloa Elementary
Visitacion Valley Elementary
Visitacion Valley Middle
Webster (daniel) Elementary
Wells (ida B.) Altern./cont. High
West Portal Elementary
William De Avila Elementary
Yick Wo Elementary
Yu (alice Fong) Elementary

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