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Public Schools in California

Our database includes records of 9322 public schools in California. Focus your search to a particular California public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific California city.

Name City
Gold Ridge Elementary Rohnert Park
Monte Vista Elementary Rohnert Park
Community Day Rohnert Park
Technology High School Rohnert Park
Rancho Del Mar High (cont.) Rolling Hills
Rancho Vista Elementary Rolling Hills Estates
Dapplegray Elementary Rolling Hills Estates
Palos Verdes Peninsula High Rolling Hills Estates
Romoland Elementary Romoland
Harvest Valley Elementary Romoland
Lincoln (abraham) Alternative Rosamond
Hamilton Elementary Rosamond
Rare Earth High (cont.) Rosamond
Rosamond Elementary Rosamond
Rosamond High Rosamond
Tropico Middle Rosamond
Rosemead High Rosemead
Williams (dan T.) Elementary Rosemead
Rice (eldridge) Elementary Rosemead
Sanchez (george I.) Elementary Rosemead
Willard (frances E.) Elementary Rosemead
Duff (margaret) Elementary Rosemead
Emerson (ralph Waldo) Elementary Rosemead
Garvey (richard) Intermediate Rosemead
Temple (roger W.) Intermediate Rosemead
Bitely (arlene) Elem. Rosemead
Encinita Elementary Rosemead
Janson (mildred B.) Elementary Rosemead
Muscatel Middle Rosemead
Savannah Elementary Rosemead
Shuey (emma W.) Elementary Rosemead
Dry Creek Elementary Roseville
Quail Glen Elementary Roseville
Silverado Middle Roseville
Heritage Oak Elementary Roseville
Coyote Ridge Elementary School Roseville
Olympus Jr High Roseville
Maidu Elementary Roseville
Excelsior Elementary Roseville
Buljan (george A.) Intermediate Roseville
Brown (vencil) Elementary Roseville
Cirby Elementary Roseville
Crestmont Elementary Roseville
Eich Intermediate Roseville
Kaseberg Elementary Roseville
Sierra Gardens Elementary Roseville
Woodbridge Fundamental Elementary Roseville
Gates (catheryn) Elementary Roseville
Cooley (robert C.) Middle Roseville
Diamond Creek Elementary Roseville
Stoneridge Elementary Roseville
Sargeant Elementary Roseville
Spanger (ferris) Elementary Roseville
Woodcreek High Roseville
Adelante High (cont.) Roseville
Oakmont High Roseville
Roseville High Roseville
Success High (cont.) Roseville
Independence High (alter.) Roseville
Ross Elementary Ross
Alvarado Intermediate Rowland Heights
Blandford Elementary Rowland Heights
Farjardo Elementary Rowland Heights
Jellick Elementary Rowland Heights
Rowland (john A.) High Rowland Heights
Killian Elementary Rowland Heights
Rowland Elementary Rowland Heights
Santana High (cont.) Rowland Heights
Shelyn Elementary Rowland Heights
Rowland Unified Community Day Rowland Heights
Alta Loma Middle S. San Francisco
Greene (leroy F.) Middle Sacramento
American Lakes Elementary Sacramento
Jefferson Elementary Sacramento
Bannon Creek Elementary Sacramento
Natomas High Sacramento
Discovery High (cont.) Sacramento
Natomas Charter #19 Sacramento
Natomas Middle Sacramento
Natomas Park Elementary Sacramento
Two Rivers Elementary Sacramento
Nagazyna (madelyn) H.s. Sacramento
Del Paso Heights Elementary Sacramento
Fairbanks Elementary Sacramento
North Avenue Elementary Sacramento
Garden Valley Elementary Sacramento
Morey Avenue Early Childhood Devel. Sacramento
Tsukamoto (mary) Elementary Sacramento
Daylor (william) High (cont.) Sacramento
Florin Elementary Sacramento
Kennedy (samuel) Elementary Sacramento
Kirchgater (anna) Elementary Sacramento
Leimbach (herman) Elementary Sacramento
Mack (charles E.) Elementary Sacramento
Reese (david) Elementary Sacramento
Prairie Elementary Sacramento
Rutter (james) Middle Sacramento
Sierra-enterprise Elementary Sacramento
Valley High Sacramento
Insights High (cont.) Sacramento
Morse (barbara Comstock) Elementary Sacramento
Beitzel (maeola E.) Elementary Sacramento
Sheldon High Sacramento
Smedberg (t. R.) Middle Sacramento
Las Flores High (alter.) Sacramento
Calvine High (cont.) Sacramento
Rio Cazadero High (cont.) Sacramento
Elk Grove Community Day Sacramento
Capital Community Day Sacramento
Elk Grove Charter Sacramento
Crossroads #2 Sacramento
Jackson (isabelle) Elementary Sacramento
Union House Elementary Sacramento
Florin High Sacramento
Reith (john) Elementary Sacramento
Jackman (samuel) Middle Sacramento
Robert J. Fite Sacramento
Foothill Farms Junior High Sacramento
Foothill High Sacramento
Grant Union High Sacramento
Rio Tierra Junior High Sacramento
Keema (elwood J.) High (alt.) Sacramento
King (martin Luther Jr) Junior High Sacramento
Vista Nueva Career & Technology High School Sacramento
Norwood Junior High School Sacramento
Smythe (alethea B.) Elementary Sacramento
Babcock (d.w.) Elementary Sacramento
Dos Rios Elementary Sacramento
Hagginwood Elementary Sacramento
Harmon Johnson Elementary Sacramento
Strauch (hazel) Elementary Sacramento
Castori (michael J.) Elementary Sacramento
Noralto Elementary Sacramento
Northwood Elementary Sacramento
Woodlake Elementary Sacramento
Fred K. Robinson Cds Sacramento
Foothill Oaks Elementary Sacramento
Frontier Elementary Sacramento
Pioneer Elementary Sacramento
Woodridge Elementary Sacramento
Ridgepoint Elementary Sacramento
Glenwood Elementary Sacramento
Main Avenue Elementary Sacramento
Bell Avenue Elementary Sacramento
Robla Elementary Sacramento
Taylor Street Elementary Sacramento
Keith B. Kenny Elementary Sacramento
Matsuyama Elementary Sacramento
Winn (a.m.) Elementary Sacramento
Lincoln (abraham) Elementary Sacramento
Einstein (albert) Middle Sacramento
Birney (alice) Elementary Sacramento
American Legion High (cont.) Sacramento
Marshall (thurgood) (alt) Sacramento
Bear Flag Elementary Sacramento
Bowling Green Elementary (char) Sacramento
Harte (bret) Elementary Sacramento
Mcclatchy (c.k.) High Sacramento
Greenwood (caleb) Elementary Sacramento
California Middle Sacramento
Camellia Elementary Sacramento
Wenzel (caroline) Elementary Sacramento
Goethe (charles M.) Middle Sacramento
Wire (clayton B.) Elementary Sacramento
Huntington (collis P.) Elementary Sacramento
Lubin (david) Elementary Sacramento
Warren (earl) Elementary Sacramento
Kemble (edward) Elementary Sacramento
Elder Creek Elementary Sacramento
Baker (ethel I.) Elementary Sacramento
Phillips (ethel) Elementary Sacramento
Bacon (fern) Middle Sacramento
Freeport Elementary Sacramento
Fruit Ridge Elementary Sacramento
Didion (genevieve) Elementary Sacramento
Golden Empire Elementary Sacramento
Harkness (h.w.) Elementary Sacramento
Johnson (hiram W.) High Sacramento
Hollywood Park Elementary Sacramento
Bancroft (hubert H.) Elementary Sacramento
Cohen (isador) Elementary Sacramento
Marshall (james) Elementary Sacramento
Smith (jedediah) Elementary Sacramento
Bidwell (john) Elementary Sacramento
Cabrillo (john) Elementary Sacramento
Sloat (john D.) Elementary Sacramento
Kennedy (john F.) High Sacramento
Still (john H.) Elementary Sacramento
Bonnheim (joseph) Elementary Sacramento
Carson (kit) Middle Sacramento
Burbank (luther) High Sacramento
Maple Elementary Sacramento
Anderson (marian) Elementary Sacramento
Hopkins (mark) Elementary Sacramento
Twain (mark) Elementary Sacramento
Nicholas Elementary Sacramento
Erlewine (o.w.) Elementary Sacramento
Oak Ridge Elementary Sacramento
Pacific Elementary Sacramento
Parkway Elementary Sacramento

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