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Public Schools in Lakewood, CO

Our database includes records of 46 public schools in Lakewood, Colorado. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Alameda High School
Bear Creek Elementary School
Bear Creek High School
Belmar Elementary School
Carmody Middle School
Center For Discovery Learning Charter School
Creighton Middle School
Deane Elementary School
Dennison Elementary School
Devinny Elementary School
Dunstan Middle School
Eiber Elementary School
Foothills Elementary School
Glennon Heights Elementary School
Green Gables Elementary School
Green Mountain Elementary School
Green Mountain High School
Hutchinson Elementary School
Jefferson County Open Elementary School
Jefferson County Open High School
Jefferson County Open Junior High School
Kendrick Lakes Elementary School
Lakewood High School
Lasley Elementary School
Lighthouse Program
Longview High School
Manning Options School
Mc Lain Community High School
Mc Lain High School
Meadowlark Cottage Day Program
Miller Special Education
Molholm Elementary School
O'connell Middle School
Patterson Elementary School
Rocky Mountain Deaf School
Rooney Ranch Elementary School
Sams Preschool
Slater Elementary School
Sobesky Academy Day Treatment
South Lakewood Elementary School
Stein Elementary School
Stober Elementary School
Vivian Elementary School
Warren Center Preschool
Warren Occupation Technical Center
Westgate Elementary School

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