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Public Schools in Olathe, KS

Our database includes records of 42 public schools in Olathe, Kansas. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Arbor Creek Elementary
Black Bob Elem
Briarwood Elem
Brougham Elem
California Trail Jr High
Cedar Creek Elem
Central Elem
Chisholm Trail Junior
Countryside Elementary
Fairview Elem
Frontier Trail Jr High
Green Springs Elem
Havencroft Elem
Heatherstone Elem
Heritage Elementary
Hilltop Elem
Indian Creek Elem
Indian Trail Jr High
Liberty View Elem
Mahaffie Elem
Meadow Lane Elem
Northview Elem
Olathe East Sr High
Olathe North Sr High
Olathe Northwest High School
Olathe South Sr High
Oregon Trail Jr High
Pioneer Trail Jr High
Prairie Center Elem
Regency Place Elementary
Ridgeview Elem
Rolling Ridge Elem
Santa Fe Trail Jr High
Scarborough Elem
School For Deaf Elementary
School For Deaf High
School For Deaf Junior High
Sunnyside Elementary School
Tomahawk Elem
Walnut Grove Elem
Washington Elem
Westview Elem

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