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Public Schools in Topeka, KS

Our database includes records of 51 public schools in Topeka, Kansas. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Avondale East Elem
Avondale West Elem
Capital City
Chase Middle School
East Indianola Elem
Eisenhower Middle School
Elmont Elem
Highland Park Central
Highland Park High
Hope Street Charter Academy
Indian Creek Elem
Indian Hills Elementary
Jardine Middle School
Jay Shideler Elementary
Landon Middle School
Lawrence Gardner High School
Linn Elem
Logan Jr High
Lowman Hill Elem
Lundgren Elem
Lyman Elem
Marjorie French Middle School
Maude Bishop Elem
Mccarter Elem
Mcclure Elem
Mceachron Elem
Meadows Elementary
North Fairview Elem
Northern Hills Jr High
Pauline Central Primary
Pleasant Hill Elem
Quincy Elem
Quinton Heights Elem
Randolph Elem
Robinson Middle School
Rochester Elem
Ross Elementary
Scott Computer Technology Magnet
Seaman High
Shaner Elem
Shawnee Heights Elem
State Street Elem
Stout Elem
Topeka High
Topeka West High
Wanamaker Elem
Washburn Rural High
Washburn Rural Middle School
West Indianola Elem
Whitson Elem
Williams Science And Fine Arts Magnet School

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