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Public Schools in Jackson, MI

Our database includes records of 37 public schools in Jackson, Michigan. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Allen School
Amy Firth Middle School
Bennett School
Bertha Robinson School
Cascades School
Da Vinci Institute (6-8)
Da Vinci Institute (9-12)
Da Vinci Institute (k-5)
Dibble Elementary School
East Jackson High School
East Jackson Middle School
Flora List Elementary School
Frost Elementary School
Hunt Elementary School
Jackson Area Career Center
Jackson Arts And Technology Psa
Jackson High School
Lyle A. Torrant Center
Mcculloch School
Mcdevitt School
Memorial School
Middle School At Parkside
Northeast Elementary School
Northwest Alternative Education
Northwest Elementary School
Northwest High School
Paragon Charter Academy
Parnall Elementary School
R.w. Kidder Middle School
Sharp Park School
T.a. Wilson School
Tomlinson Day Care Center
Tomlinson School
Townsend Elementary School
Vandercook Lake High School
Western Options Center
Youth Home--jackson Isd

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