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Public Schools in North Dakota

Our database includes records of 563 public schools in North Dakota. Focus your search to a particular North Dakota public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific North Dakota city.

Name City
Phoenix Elementary School Grand Forks
Ben Franklin Elementary School Grand Forks
Central High School Grand Forks
J Nelson Kelly Elementary School Grand Forks
Lake Agassiz Elementary School Grand Forks
Lewis And Clark Elementary School Grand Forks
Red River High School Grand Forks
Schroeder Middle School Grand Forks
South Middle School Grand Forks
Valley Middle School Grand Forks
Viking Elementary School Grand Forks
West Elementary School Grand Forks
Wilder Elementary School Grand Forks
Winship Elementary School Grand Forks
Community Alt High School Grand Forks
Century Elementary School Grand Forks
Grand Forks Spec Ed Unit Grand Forks
Carl Ben Eielson Elementary Grand Forks Af
Nathan Twining Elementary School Grand Forks Af
Nathan Twining Middle School Grand Forks Af
Granville Elementary School Granville
Granville High School Granville
Grenora Elementary School Grenora
Grenora High School Grenora
North Sargent Elementary School Gwinner
North Sargent High School Gwinner
Bakker Elementary School Hague
Halliday Elementary School Halliday
Halliday High School Halliday
Twin Buttes Elementary School Halliday
Hankinson Elementary School Hankinson
Hankinson High School Hankinson
South Valley Spec Ed Unit Hankinson
Griggs Co Cnt Elem-hannaford Hannaford
Harvey Elementary School Harvey
Harvey High School Harvey
Lonetree Spec Ed Unit Harvey
Harwood Elementary School Harwood
Hatton Elementary School Hatton
Hatton High School Hatton
Hazelton-moffit-braddock High School Hazelton
Hazelton-moffit-braddock Elementary School Hazelton
Hazen Middle School Hazen
Hazen Elementary School Hazen
Hazen High School Hazen
Oliver-mercer Spec Ed Unit Hazen
Hebron Elementary School Hebron
Hebron High School Hebron
Hettinger Elementary School Hettinger
Hettinger High School Hettinger
Hillsboro Elementary School Hillsboro
Hillsboro High School Hillsboro
Valley High School Hoople
Hope High School Hope
Horace Elementary School Horace
Northern Cass Elementary School Hunter
Northern Cass Middle School Hunter
Northern Cass High School Hunter
Pleasant Valley Elementary School Hurdsfield
Midway High School Inkster
Forest River Colony School Inkster
Midway Elementary School Inkster
Midway Middle School Inkster
Adolescent/child Treatment Ctr Jamestown
Jamestown High School Jamestown
Jamestown Middle School Jamestown
Lincoln Elementary School Jamestown
Roosevelt Elementary School Jamestown
Washington Elementary School Jamestown
William S Gussner Elementary School Jamestown
Louis Lamour Elementary School Jamestown
Buffalo Valley Spec Ed Unit Jamestown
James Valley Area Career & Technical Center Jamestown
Kenmare High School Kenmare
Kenmare Elementary School Kenmare
Kensal Elementary School Kensal
Kensal High School Kensal
Killdeer Elementary School Killdeer
Killdeer High School Killdeer
Kindred Elementary School Kindred
Kindred High School Kindred
Kulm Elementary School Kulm
Kulm High School Kulm
Lakota Elementary School Lakota
Lakota High School Lakota
Lamoure Elementary School Lamoure
Lamoure High School Lamoure
Lamoure Colony School Lamoure
Dickey-lamoure Spec Ed Unit Lamoure
Langdon Area Middle School Langdon
Langdon Area Elementary School Langdon
Langdon Area High School Langdon
Lankin Elementary School Lankin
Lansford Elementary School Lansford
Larimore Elementary School Larimore
Larimore High School Larimore
Leeds Elementary School Leeds
Leeds High School Leeds
Lidgerwood Elementary School Lidgerwood
Lidgerwood High School Lidgerwood
Burke Central Elementary School Lignite
Burke Central High School Lignite
Linton Elementary School Linton
Linton High School Linton
Emmons County Special Ed Unit Linton
Lisbon Elementary School Lisbon
Lisbon High School Lisbon
Lisbon Middle School Lisbon
Litchville-marion Elementary School Litchville
Maddock Elementary School Maddock
Maddock High School Maddock
North Shore High School Makoti
Marmot School 6-12 Mandan
Ft Lincoln Elementary School Mandan
Early Childhood Special Education Mandan
Custer Elementary School Mandan
Lewis And Clark Elementary School Mandan
Mandan High School Mandan
Mandan Junior High School Mandan
Mary Stark Elementary School Mandan
Roosevelt Elementary School Mandan
Sweet Briar School Mandan
Morton-sioux Spec Ed Unit Mandan
Mandaree High School Mandaree
Mandaree Elementary School Mandaree
Mandaree Middle School Mandaree
Mantador Elementary School Mantador
Manvel Elementary School Manvel
Mapleton Elementary School Mapleton
Litchville-marion High School Marion
Marmarth Elementary School Marmarth
Max Elementary School Max
Max High School Max
May-port Cg Middle School Mayville
Peter Boe Jr-elementary School Mayville
May-port Cg High School Mayville
Mcclusky Elementary School Mcclusky
Mcclusky High School Mcclusky
Dakota Prairie Elem School Mcville
Medina Elementary School Medina
Medina High School Medina
Demores Elementary School Medora
Prairie Elementary School Medora
Menoken Elementary School Menoken
Milnor Elementary School Milnor
Milnor High School Milnor
Sundale Colony School Milnor
Minnewaukan Elementary School Minnewaukan
Minnewaukan High School Minnewaukan
Bell Elementary School Minot
Eureka Elementary School Minot
Souris River Campus Alt High Minot
Belair Elementary School Minot
Central Campus School Minot
Edison Elementary School Minot
Erik Ramstad Middle School Minot
Jefferson Elementary School Minot
Jim Hill Middle School Minot
Lincoln Elementary School Minot
Longfellow Elementary School Minot
Magic City Campus High School Minot
Mckinley Elementary School Minot
North Hill Elementary School Minot
Perkett Elementary School Minot
Roosevelt Elementary School Minot
Sunnyside Elementary School Minot
Washington Elementary School Minot
Nedrose Elementary School Minot
South Prairie Elementary School Minot
Souris Valley Spec Ed Unit Minot
Dakota Elementary School Minot Afb
Memorial Middle School Minot Afb
North Plains Elementary School Minot Afb
Minto Elementary School Minto
Minto High School Minto
Mohall Elementary School Mohall
Mohall High School Mohall
Montpelier Elementary School Montpelier
Montpelier High School Montpelier
Mott Elementary School Mott
Mott High School Mott
Sw Spec Ed Unit Mott
Munich Elementary School Munich
Munich High School Munich
Napoleon Elementary School Napoleon
Napoleon High School Napoleon
South Central Prairie Spec Ed Napoleon
Neche Elementary School Neche
Neche High School Neche
New England Elementary School New England
New England High School New England
New Leipzig Elementary School New Leipzig
New Rockford Elementary School New Rockford
New Rockford High School New Rockford
East Central Spec Ed Unit New Rockford
New Salem High School New Salem
Prairie View Elementary School New Salem
New Town High School New Town
Edwin Loe Elementary School New Town
New Town Middle School New Town

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