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Public Schools in Sparks, NV

Our database includes records of 30 public schools in Sparks, Nevada. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Acad For Career Ed Charter
Allen, Lois Elem
Beasley Elem
Bennett, Esther Elem
Diedrichsen, Lloyd Elem
Dilworth, George Midsch
Drake, Florence Elem
Dunn, Katherine Elem
Greenbrae Elem
Hillside Elem
Juniper, Lena Elem
Lincoln Park Elem
Maxwell, Alice Elem
Mendive, Lou Midsch
Mitchell, Robert Elem
Montessori Charter Sch
Moss, Marvin Elem
Nv Leadership Acad Charter
Palmer, Virginia Elem
Reed Hs
Risley, Agnes Elem
Smith, Kate Elem
Spanish Springs Elem
Spanish Springs Hs
Sparks Hs
Sparks Midsch
Sun Valley Elem
Taylor, A Elem
Van Gorder Elem
Whitehead, Jerry Elem

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