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Public Schools in New York

Our database includes records of 5000 public schools in New York. Focus your search to a particular New York public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific New York city.

Name City
Carthage Ms Carthage
Carthage Shs Carthage
West Carthage Es Carthage
Cassadaga Es Cassadaga
Green Meadow School Castleton
Castleton Es Castleton
Maple Hill Ms Castleton
Maple Hill Hs Castleton
Boces Questar Iii (r-c-g) Castleton
Cato-meridian Shs Cato
Cato-meridian Es Cato
Cato-meridian Ms Cato
Catskill Ms Catskill
Catskill Shs Catskill
Catskill Elem Sch Catskill
Cattaraugus Campus Es Cattaraugus
Cattaraugus-little Valley Hs Cattaraugus
Cattaraugus-little Valley Ms Cattaraugus
Cayuga Es Cayuga
Burton Street Es Cazenovia
Cazenovia Hs Cazenovia
Cazenovia Ms Cazenovia
5 School Cedarhurst
Lawrence Shs Cedarhurst
Clayton Huey Es Center Moriches
Ctr Moriches Hs Center Moriches
Centereach Hs Centereach
Dawnwood Ms Centereach
Holbrook Road School Centereach
Jericho Es Centereach
North Coleman Road School Centereach
Oxhead Road School Centereach
Selden Ms Centereach
Unity Drive Pre-k Ctr Centereach
Washington Drive Prim Sch Centerport
Andrew T. Morrow School Central Islip
Central Islip Shs Central Islip
Charles A. Mulligan School Central Islip
Francis J. O'neill School Central Islip
Marguerite L. Mulvey School Central Islip
Ralph Reed School Central Islip
Central Islip Early Chldhd Ctr Central Islip
Cordello Ave Es Central Islip
Central Square Is Central Square
Hastings Mallory Es Central Square
Millard Hawk Primary School Central Square
Paul V. Moore Hs Central Square
Central Square Ms Central Square
Central Valley School Central Valley
Monroe Woodbury Ms Central Valley
Monroe Woodbury Hs Central Valley
Smith Clove Es Central Valley
Champlain Es Champlain
Northeastern Clinton Ms Champlain
Northeastern Clinton Shs Champlain
Douglas G. Grafflin School Chappaqua
Horace Greeley Hs Chappaqua
Roaring Brook School Chappaqua
Robert E. Bell School Chappaqua
Westorchard School Chappaqua
Seven Bridges Ms Chappaqua
Chateaugay Hs Chateaugay
Chateaugay Es Chateaugay
Chasm Road Icf Chateaugay
Chateaugay Asactc Chateaugay
Chatham Hs Chatham
Mary E. Dardess Es Chatham
Chatham Ms Chatham
Lyme Central School Chaumont
Chazy Central Rural Es Chazy
Chazy Central Rural Jshs Chazy
Cheektowaga Hs Cheektowaga
Union East Es Cheektowaga
Cheektowaga Ms Cheektowaga
Cleveland Hill Hs Cheektowaga
Cleveland Hill Es Cheektowaga
Cleveland Hill Ms Cheektowaga
Maryvale Ms Cheektowaga
Maryvale Hs Cheektowaga
Maryvale Primary School Cheektowaga
Maryvale Is Cheektowaga
John F. Kennedy Ms Cheektowaga
John F. Kennedy Shs Cheektowaga
Theodore Roosevelt School Cheektowaga
Chemung Es Chemung
Cherry Valley-springfield Es Cherry Valley
Cherry Valley-springfield Jshs Cherry Valley
Chester Es Chester
Chester Jshs Chester
North Warren Central School Chestertown
Desafio School Chestnut Ridge
Agape School Chestnut Ridge
Imani School Chestnut Ridge
Eldorado Es Chestnut Ridge
Fleetwood Es Chestnut Ridge
Chestnut Ridge Ms Chestnut Ridge
Bolivar Road Es Chittenango
Chittenango Hs Chittenango
Chittenango Ms Chittenango
Lake Street Es Chittenango
Churchville-chili Ms Churchville
Churchville-chili Shs Churchville
Churchville Es Churchville
Fairbanks Road Es Churchville
Churchville-chili Jhs Churchville
Cicero Es Cicero
Cicero-north Syracuse Hs Cicero
Gillette Road Ms Cicero
Lakeshore Road Es Cicero
Cincinnatus Es Cincinnatus
Cincinnatus Hs Cincinnatus
Cincinnatus Ms Cincinnatus
Circleville Es Circleville
Circleville Ms Circleville
Pakanasink Es Circleville
Clarence Ms Clarence
Clarence Shs Clarence
Ledgeview Es Clarence
Clarence Ctr Es Clarence Center
Clarksville Es Clarksville
Brookwood Ctr Claverack
Columbia Res Ctr Claverack
Guardino Es Clayton
Thousand Islands Hs Clayton
Thousand Islands Ms Clayton
Cleveland Es Cleveland
Acadia Ms Clifton Park
Arongen Es Clifton Park
Gowana Ms Clifton Park
Karigon Es Clifton Park
Koda Ms Clifton Park
Okte Es Clifton Park
Orenda Es Clifton Park
Shenendehowa Hs Clifton Park
Skano Es Clifton Park
Tesago Es Clifton Park
Midlakes Is Clifton Springs
Midlakes Hs Clifton Springs
Midlakes Ms Clifton Springs
Clinton Es Clinton
Clinton Ms Clinton
Clinton Shs Clinton
Ausable Valley Hs Clintonville
Ausable Valley Ms Clintonville
Clyde Es Clyde
Clyde Jshs Clyde
Clymer Central School Clymer
William H. Golding Ms Cobleskill
George D. Ryder Es Cobleskill
William H. Golding Es Cobleskill
Pieter B. Coeymans School Coeymans
Cohocton Es Cohocton
Abram Lansing School Cohoes
Cohoes Hs Cohoes
Cohoes Ms Cohoes
Van Schaick Island School Cohoes
Harmony Hill School Cohoes
Residential Opportunities Inc Cohoes
Boght Hills School Cohoes
Haldane Es Cold Spring
Haldane Jshs Cold Spring
Cold Spring Harbor Hs Cold Spring Harbor
Goosehill Primary Ctr Cold Spring Harbor
Colden Es Colden
Ps 29 Queens School College Point
Ps 129 Patricia Larkin School College Point
Collins Corr Fac Collins
Colton-pierrepont Jshs Colton
Colton-pierrepont Es Colton
Burr Is Commack
Commack Hs Commack
Commack Ms Commack
North Ridge School Commack
Sawmill Is Commack
Wood Park School Commack
Indian Hollow School Commack
Great Meadow Corr Facil Comstock
Washington Corr Facil Comstock
Congers Es Congers
Lakewood Es Congers
Group Home Congers
Richard T. Stank Ms Conklin
Susquehanna Valley Shs Conklin
F.p. Donnelly School Conklin
Constableville Es Constableville
Aura A. Cole Es Constantia
Cooperstown Central Hs Cooperstown
Cooperstown Es Cooperstown
Cooperstown Ms Cooperstown
Otsego County Correctional Facility Cooperstown
Copenhagen Jshs Copenhagen
Copenhagen Es Copenhagen
Walter G. O'connell Copiague Hs Copiague
Copiague Ms Copiague
Deauville Gardens Es Copiague
Great Neck Road Es Copiague
Susan E. Wiley School Copiague
Coram Es Coram
Pembroke Is Corfu
Pembroke Jshs Corfu

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