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Public Schools in Oklahoma City, OK

Our database includes records of 170 public schools in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Adams Es
Apple Creek Es
Arthur Es
Astec Charter Ms
Barnes Es
Belle Isle Enterprise School
Bodine Es
Briarwood Es
Brink Jhs
Britton Es
Broadmoore Es
Bryant Es
Buchanan Es
Capitol Hill Es
Capitol Hill Hs
Carl Albert Hs
Carl Albert Jhs
Central Es
Central Oak Es
Cesar Chavez Alternative Ms
Classen Hs Of Advanced Studies
Classen Ms Of Advanced Studies
Cleveland Bailey Es
Cleveland Es
Columbus Enterprise School
Coolidge Es
Cooper Ms
Coronado Heights Es
Council Grove Es
Country Estates Es
Crooked Oak Hs
Crooked Oak Ms
Crutcho Es
Del City Es
Del City Hs
Del Crest Jhs
Dennis Es
Dewey Schl Visual & Perf. Arts
Douglass Hs
Dove Science Academy (okc)
Dunbar Es
Earlywine Es
East Side Es
Eastlake Es
Edgemere Es
Edwards Es
Eisenhower Es
Emerson Alternative Ed. (es)
Emerson Alternative Ed. (hs)
Emerson Alternative Ed. (ms)
Epperly Heights Es
Eugene Field Es
F. D. Moon Academy/mass Media
Fairview Es
Fillmore Es
Fisher Es
Gateway Academy
Gatewood Es
Greenvale Es
Harding Ms
Harvest Hills Es
Hawthorne Es
Hayes Es
Hefner Ms
Heronville Es
Highland Park Es
Hillcrest Es
Hilldale Es
Hoover Ms
Horace Mann Es
Houchin Es
Independence Charter Hs
Independence Charter Ms
Jackson Ms
Jarman Jhs
Jefferson Ms
John Glenn Es
John Marshall Hs
John Wesley Charter School
Johnson Es
Justice A.w. Seeworth Academy
Kaiser Es
Kelly Es
Kerr Jhs
King Schl Of Writing/comm Arts
Kingsgate Es
Kirkland Es
Lafayette Es
Lee Es
Linwood Es
Longfellow Magnet Es
Madison Es
Marcus Garvey Leadership Cs
Mark Twain Es
Mayfield Ms
Midwest City Hs
Millwood Es
Millwood Hs
Millwood Ms
Monroe Es
Monroney Jhs
Moore Hs
Ne Acad Health/sci/engineering
Ne Acad Health/sci/engineering
North Highland Math/sci School
Northridge Es
Northwest Classen Hs
Oakridge Es
Parkview Es
Parmelee Es
Pierce Es
Plaza Towers Es
Pleasant Hill Es
Prairie Queen Es
Putnam City Hs
Putnam City North Hs
Putnam City West Hs
Putnam Heights Es
Quail Creek Es
Ralph Downs Es
Rancho Village Es
Red Oak Es
Ridgecrest Es
Ridgeview Es
Rockwood Es
Rollingwood Es
Roosevelt Ms
Santa Fe Es
Santa Fe South Hs
Schwartz Es
Sequoyah Es
Shidler Es
Shields Heights Es
Sky Ranch Es
Soldier Creek Es
Sooner Es
Sooner-rose Es
Southeast Hs
Southern Hills Es
Southgate-rippetoe Learning Ct
Stand Watie Es
Star Es
Steed Es
Stonegate Es
Taft Ms
Telstar Es
Thelma R. Parks Es
Tinker Es
Townsend Es
Traub Es
Tulakes Es
U. S. Grant Hs
Van Buren Es
Webster Ms
West Jhs
West Nichols Hills Es
West Oak Park Es
West Side School/academic Ctr
Western Heights Hs
Western Heights Ms
Western Village Academy
Westmoore Hs
Westwood Es
Wheeler Es
Wiley Post Es
Will Rogers Es
Willow Brook Es
Wilson Es
Winds West Es
Windsor Hills Es

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