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Kansas City

Our database includes records of 42 schools in the Kansas City public school system which is located in Wyandotte County, Kansas. Click a name from the below list to view school system details or choose to narrow your search to schools in a specific Kansas city.

Name Town
Argentine Middle Kansas City
Arrowhead Middle Kansas City
Banneker Elem Kansas City
Bertram Caruthers Elem Kansas City
Bethel Elem Kansas City
Central Middle Kansas City
Chelsea Elem Kansas City
Claude A Huyck Elem Kansas City
Coronado Middle Kansas City
D D Eisenhower Middle Kansas City
Douglass Elem Kansas City
Emerson Elem Kansas City
Eugene Ware Elem Kansas City
F L Schlagle High Kansas City
Fairfax Learning Center Kansas City
Frances Willard Elem Kansas City
Frank Rushton Elem Kansas City
Grant Elem Kansas City
Hazel Grove Elem Kansas City
J C Harmon High Kansas City
John F Kennedy Elem Kansas City
John Fiske Elem Kansas City
Lindbergh Elem Kansas City
M E Pearson Elem Kansas City
Mark Twain Elem Kansas City
New Stanley Elem Kansas City
Noble Prentis Elem Kansas City
Northwest Middle Kansas City
Quindaro Elem Kansas City
Rosedale Middle Kansas City
Silver City Elem Kansas City
Stony Point North Kansas City
Stony Point South Kansas City
Sumner Academy Of Arts & Science Kansas City
Thomas A Edison Elem Kansas City
Washington High Kansas City
Welborn Elem Kansas City
West Middle Kansas City
White Church Elem Kansas City
Whittier Elem Kansas City
Wm A White Elem Kansas City
Wyandotte High Kansas City

If you're not looking for a school system in Kansas, or if you've arrived at this page by error, we encourage you find a public school by selecting other criteria. View a list of other Kansas public school systems or begin your research from the public schools homepage where you'll have the opportunity to easily navigate a list of over 95,000 institutions by selecting criteria such as name or location.

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