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Public Schools in Tennessee

Our database includes records of 1693 public schools in Tennessee. Focus your search to a particular Tennessee public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific Tennessee city.

Name City
West Hardin Elementary School Adamsville
Adamsville Elementary School Adamsville
Adamsville Junior / Senior High School Adamsville
Chuckey Doak High School Afton
Alamo Elementary School Alamo
Crockett County High School Alamo
Crockett County Middle School Alamo
Alcoa Elementary School Alcoa
Alcoa High School Alcoa
Alcoa Middle School Alcoa
Allardt Elementary School Allardt
Maple Grove Elementary School Allons
Allons Elementary School Allons
North Elementary School Altamont
Andersonville Elementary Andersonville
Antioch Middle Antioch
Mt View Antioch
Antioch High School Antioch
Apollo Middle School Antioch
Cole Elementary School Antioch
John F. Kennedy Middle School Antioch
Henry Maxwell Elementary School Antioch
J E Moss Elementary School Antioch
Apison Elementary School Apison
Arlington Middle School Arlington
Arlington Elementary School Arlington
Barrets Elementary School Arlington
Bolton High School Arlington
Shadowlawn Middle School Arlington
Ashland City Elementary School Ashland City
Cheatham Co High School Ashland City
East Cheatham Elementary Ashland City
Cheatham County Adult High Sch Ashland City
Cheatham Middle School Ashland City
Ashland City Primary School Ashland City
Athens Junior High School Athens
City Park Elementary School Athens
Ingleside Elementary School Athens
North City Elementary School Athens
Westside Elementary School Athens
Rogers Creek Elementary School Athens
E K Baker Elementary School Athens
Mcminn High School Athens
West Carroll Jr / Sr High School Atwood
Auburn Elementary School Auburntown
Appling Middle School Bartlett
Rivercrest Elementary School Bartlett
Alturia Elementary School Bartlett
Bartlett Elementary School Bartlett
Bartlett High School Bartlett
Ellendale Elementary School Bartlett
Elmore Park Middle School Bartlett
Oak Elementary School Bartlett
Shelby County Alternative School Bartlett
Baxter Elementary School Baxter
Cornerstone Middle School Baxter
Uffelman High School Baxter
Bean Station Elementary School Bean Station
Beech Bluff Elementary School Beech Bluff
Bells Elementary School Bells
Benton Elementary School Benton
Chilhowee Middle School Benton
Polk County High School Benton
Bethel Springs Elementary Bethel Springs
Bethpage Elementary School Bethpage
North Sumner Elementary School Bethpage
North Stewart Elementary Big Rock
Big Sandy School Big Sandy
Birchwood Elementary School Birchwood
Blountville Elementary School Blountville
Blountville Middle School Blountville
Central Heights Elementary Blountville
Sullivan Central High School Blountville
Gunnings School Blountville
Holston Elementary School Blountville
Holston Middle School Blountville
Bluff City Elementary School Bluff City
Bluff City Middle School Bluff City
Sullivan East High School Bluff City
Bolivar Elementary School Bolivar
Bolivar Middle School Bolivar
Central High School Bolivar
Bradford High School Bradford
Bradford Elementary School Bradford
Woodland Elementary School Bradyville
Granbery Elementary School Brentwood
Woodland Middle School Brentwood
Edmondson Elementary Brentwood
Kenrose Elementary Brentwood
Grassland Elementary School Brentwood
Lipscomb Elementary School Brentwood
Brentwood Middle School Brentwood
Scales Elementary School Brentwood
Brentwood High School Brentwood
Ravenwood High School Brentwood
Crockett Elementary School Brentwood
Briceville Elementary School Briceville
Tipton Co Alternative School Brighton
Brighton High School Brighton
Brighton Middle School Brighton
Brighton Elementary School Brighton
Anderson Elementary School Bristol
Avoca Elementary School Bristol
Central Elementary School Bristol
Fairmount Elementary School Bristol
Haynesfield Elementary School Bristol
Holston View Elementary School Bristol
Vance Junior High School Bristol
Tennessee High School Bristol
Akard Memorial Elementary Bristol
Emmett Elementary School Bristol
Holston Valley Middle School Bristol
Valley Pike Elementary School Bristol
Weaver Elementary School Bristol
Anderson Early Childhood School Brownsville
East Side Elementary School Brownsville
Haywood Elementary School Brownsville
Haywood High School Brownsville
Sunny Hill Elementary School Brownsville
Haywood Co Acad & Justice Academy Brownsville
Haywood Junior High School Brownsville
Central Elementary School Bruceton
Central High School Bruceton
Lakewood Elementary School Buchanan
Bulls Gap School Bulls Gap
Saint Clair Elementary School Bulls Gap
Stuart Burns Elementary School Burns
Little Milligan Elementary Butler
Pickett County High School Byrdstown
Pickett County Elementary Byrdstown
Calhoun Elementary School Calhoun
Briarwood School Camden
Camden Elementary School Camden
Camden Central High Camden
Benton County Adult High Sch Camden
Camden Jr High Camden
Benton County Career/technical Center Camden
Carthage Elementary School Carthage
Defeated Elementary School Carthage
Smith County High School Carthage
Union Heights Elementary Carthage
Smith County Vocational Center Carthage
Smith County Middle School Carthage
Caryville Elementary School Caryville
Ridgewood Elementary School Caryville
Stony Fork School Caryville
Jo Byrns School Cedar Hill
Celina K-8 Celina
Celina High School Celina
Clay Co Adult High School Celina
Clay County High School Celina
Centerville Elementary School Centerville
Hickman County Middle School Centerville
Hickman County High School Centerville
Centerville Intermediate School Centerville
Chapel Hill Elementary School Chapel Hill
Forrest School Chapel Hill
West Cheatham Elementary Chapmansboro
Charleston Elementary School Charleston
New Directions Academy Charlotte
Charlotte Middle School Charlotte
Charlotte Elementary School Charlotte
Creek Wood High School Charlotte
Alpine Crest Elementary School Chattanooga
East Ridge Elementary School Chattanooga
East Ridge High School Chattanooga
East Ridge Middle School Chattanooga
Mcbrien Elementary School Chattanooga
Red Bank Elementary School Chattanooga
Red Bank High School Chattanooga
Red Bank Middle School Chattanooga
Spring Creek Elementary School Chattanooga
Westview Elementary School Chattanooga
White Oak Elementary School Chattanooga
John P. Franklin Middle School Chattanooga
Bess T. Shepherd Elementary Chattanooga
Brainerd High School Chattanooga
Twentyfirst Century Academy Chattanooga
Normal Park Museum Magnet School Chattanooga
Chattanooga Middle Museum Magnet School Chattanooga
Chattanooga High Center For Creative Arts Chattanooga
Chattanooga School For Arts And Sciences Chattanooga
Chattanooga Arts & Science Chattanooga
Clifton Hills Elementary Chattanooga
Dalewood Middle School Chattanooga
Dawn Center Chattanooga
Dupont Elementary Chattanooga
East Brainerd Elementary Chattanooga
Barger Academy Chattanooga
Howard Elementary Chattanooga
Hillcrest Elementary Chattanooga
Howard Academy Of Academics Technology Chattanooga
Lakeside Academy Chattanooga
Chattanooga School For The Liberal Arts Chattanooga
Lookout Valley Middle/high School Chattanooga
Rivermont Elementary Chattanooga
Orchard Knob Elementary Chattanooga
Orchard Knob Middle School Chattanooga
Tyner Academy Chattanooga
Tyner Middle Academy Chattanooga

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