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Public Schools in Baltimore, MD

Our database includes records of 315 public schools in Baltimore, Maryland. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Abbottston Elementary
Afternoon Group Learning Centers
Alexander Hamilton Elementary
Alternative Education School
Alternative Elementary School
Arbutus Elementary
Arbutus Middle
Arlington Elementary
Armistead Gardens Elementary
Arnett J. Brown, Jr. Middle
Arundel Elementary/middle
Baltimore City College
Baltimore Freedom Academy
Baltimore Highlands Elementary
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Baltimore School For The Arts
Barclay Elementary/middle
Battle Grove Elementary
Battle Monument School
Bay-brook Elementary
Bear Creek Elementary
Bedford Elementary
Beechfield Elementary
Belle Grove Elementary
Belmont Elementary
Benjamin Franklin Jr. High
Bentalou Elementary
Berkshire Elementary
Booker T. Washington Middle
Brehms Lane Elementary
Brooklyn Park Elementary
Brooklyn Park Middle
Callaway Elementary
Calverton Middle
Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary
Campfield Early Childhood Center
Canton Middle
Carney Elementary
Carver Vocational-technical High
Catonsville Center For Alternative Studies
Catonsville Education Center
Catonsville High
Cecil Elementary
Central Career Center At Briscoe
Chadwick Elementary
Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary
Charlesmont Elementary
Chase Elementary
Cherry Hill Elementary/middle
Chesapeake High
Chesapeake Terrace Elementary
Chinquapin Middle
City Springs Elementary
Claremont School
Coldstream Park Elementary
Colgate Elementary
Collington Square Elementary
Commodore John Rogers Elementary
Connexions Community Leadership Academy
Cromwell Valley Elementary Technology
Cross Country Elementary
Curtis Bay Elementary
Dallas F. Nicholas Sr. Elementary
Deep Creek Elementary
Deep Creek Middle
Dickey Hill Elementary/middle
Diggs-johnson Middle
Digital Harbor High School
Dogwood Elementary
Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. Elementary
Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Prek Through 8
Dr. Lillie M. Jackson Elementary
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary
Dr. Nathan A. Pitts Ashburton Elementary/middle
Dr. Rayner Browne Elementary
Dr. Roland N. Patterson Sr. Academy
Dr. Samuel L. Banks High
Dumbarton Middle
Dundalk Elementary
Dundalk Evening High School
Dundalk High
Dundalk Middle
Eager Street Academy
Eastern Technical High School
Eastwood Center
Edgecombe Circle Elementary
Edgemere Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
Edmondson Heights Elementary
Edmondson-westside High
Elmer A. Henderson Elementary
Elmwood Elementary
Empowerment Academy
Essex Elementary
Eutaw-marshburn Elementary
Evening High School
Fairmount-harford High
Fairmount-harford High
Fallstaff Middle
Featherbed Lae Elementary/intermediate
Featherbed Lane Elementary/primary
Federal Hill Elementary
Forest Park High
Fort Garrison Elementary
Fort Worthington Elementary
Francis M. Wood Alternative High
Francis Scott Key Elementary/middle
Franklin Square Elementary
Frederick Douglass High
Frederick Elementary
Fullerton Elementary
Furley Elementary
Furman L. Templeton Elementary
Gardenville Elementary
Garrett Heights Elementary
Garrison Middle
General John Stricker Middle
General Wolfe Elementary
George G. Kelson Elementary
George W. F. Mcmechen Middle/high
George Washington Elementary
Gilmor Elementary
Glenmar Elementary
Glenmount Elementary/middle
Golden Ring Middle
Govans Elementary
Graceland Park Elementary
Grange Elementary
Grove Park Elementary
Guilford Elementary/middle
Gunpowder Elementary
Gwynns Falls Elementary
Halstead Academy
Hamilton Elementary/middle
Hamilton Middle
Hampden Elementary
Hampstead Hill Elementary
Harbor City High School
Harford Heights Intermediate
Harford Heights Primary
Harford Hills Elementary
Harlem Park Elementary
Harlem Park Middle
Harriet Tubman Elementary
Hawthorne Elementary
Hazelwood Elementary/middle
Hebbville Elementary
Highlandtown Elementary
Highlandtown Elementary
Highlandtown Middle
Hillcrest Elementary
Hilton Elementary
Holabird Elementary
Holabird Middle
Home Teaching-elementary
Home Teaching-middle/high
Inverness Center
James Mchenry Elementary
James Mosher Elementary
John Eager Howard Elementary
John Ruhrah Elementary
Johnnycake Elementary
Johnston Square Elementary
Joppa View Elementary
Kenwood High Ib And Sports Science
Kipp Ujima Village Academy
Lafayette Elementary
Lake Clifton-eastern High
Lakeland Elementary/middle
Lakewood Elementary
Langston Hughes Elementary
Lansdowne Elementary
Lansdowne High & Academy Of Finance
Lansdowne Middle
Laurence G. Paquin Middle/high
Leith Walk Elementary
Liberty Elementary
Loch Raven High
Loch Raven Technical Academy
Lockerman Bundy Elementary
Logan Elementary
Lois T. Murray Elementary
Lombard Middle
Lyndhurst Elementary
Maiden Choice School
Maree Garnett Farring Elementary
Margaret Brent Elementary
Mars Estates Elementary
Martin Boulevard Elementary
Mary E. Rodman Elementary
Matthew A. Henson Elementary
Mccormick Elementary
Meadowood Education Center
Medfield Heights Elementary
Mergenthaler Vocational-technical High
Middle River Middle
Middleborough Elementary
Middlesex Elementary
Midtown Academy
Milbrook Elementary
Milford Mill Academy
Montebello Elementary
Moravia Park Primary
Morrell Park Elementary/middle
Mount Royal Elementary/middle
Mount Washington Elementary
Naf Learning Community At Port Discovery
New Era Academy
New High School At #40
New Song Academy
North Bend Elementary
Northeast Middle
Northwestern High
Northwood Elementary
Norwood Elementary
Oakleigh Elementary
Old Court Middle
Oliver Beach Elementary
Orems Elementary
Overlea High & Academy Of Finance
Park Elementary
Parkville High & Center For Math/science
Parkville Middle & Center Of Technology
Parkville Saturday School
Patapsco Elementary
Patapsco High & Center For Arts
Patterson High
Paul Laurence Dunbar High
Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle
Perry Hall Elementary
Perry Hall High
Perry Hall Middle
Pikesville High
Pikesville Middle
Pimlico Elementary
Pimlico Middle
Pine Grove Elementary
Pine Grove Middle
Powhatan Elementary
Red House Run Elementary
Reginald F. Lewis High School
Relay Elementary
Ridge Ruxton
Riverview Elementary
Robert Poole High
Robert Poole Middle
Robert W. Coleman Elementary
Rodgers Forge Elementary
Rognel Heights Elementary/middle
Roland Park Elementary/middle
Rosedale Center
Rosemont Elementary
Samuel Coleridge-taylor Elementary
Samuel F. B. Morse Elementary
Sandalwood Elementary
Sandy Plains Elementary
Sarah M. Roach Elementary
Scotts Branch Elementary
Seneca Elementary
Seven Oaks Elementary
Shady Spring Elementary
Sharp-leadenhall Elementary
Sinclair Lane Elementary
Sollers Point/southeastern Technical High
Southeast Middle
Southern Senior High
Southside Academy
Southwest Academy
Southwestern High
Sparrows Point Middle
Stadium School
Stemmers Run Middle
Steuart Hill Elementary
Stoneleigh Elementary
Sudbrook Magnet Middle
Summit Park Elementary
Sussex Elementary
Tench Tilghman Elementary
The Crossroads School
Thomas G. Hayes Elementary
Thomas Jefferson Elementary
Thomas Johnson Elementary
Thurgood Marshall High
Thurgood Marshall Middle #170
Upton School
Victory Villa Elementary
Villa Cresta Elementary
Violetville Elementary/middle
W.e.b. Dubois Senior High
Walbrook High
Walter P. Carter Elementary
Waverly Career Center
Waverly Elementary
West Baltimore Middle
Westchester Elementary
Western High
Western School Of Technology & Env. Science
Westport Academy
Westside Elementary
William H. Lemmel Middle
William Paca Elementary
William Pinderhughes Elementary
William S. Baer School
Winand Elementary
Windsor Hills Elementary
Winfield Elementary
Winston Middle
Woodbourne Day School
Woodbridge Elementary
Woodhome Elementary/middle
Woodlawn High Center For Pre-eng. Res
Woodlawn Middle
Woodmoor Elementary
Yorkwood Elementary
Youth Education Academy At Woodbourne

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