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Public Schools in Maryland

Our database includes records of 1425 public schools in Maryland. Focus your search to a particular Maryland public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific Maryland city.

Name City
Aberdeen Middle Aberdeen
Aberdeen High Aberdeen
Bakerfield Elementary Aberdeen
Halls Cross Roads Elementary Aberdeen
G. Lisby Elementary At Hillsdale Aberdeen
Abingdon Elementary Abingdon
William S. James Elementary Abingdon
William Paca/old Post Road Elementary Abingdon
Accident Elementary Accident
Northern Garrett High School Accident
Northern High Evening School Accident
Northern Middle School Accident
Eugene Burroughs Middle Accokeek
Henry G. Ferguson Elementary Accokeek
Carroll Manor Elementary Adamstown
Cool Spring Elementary Adelphi
Adelphi Elementary Adelphi
Buck Lodge Middle Adelphi
Cherokee Lane Elementary Adelphi
Mary Harris 'mother' Jones Elementary Adelphi
Annapolis Elementary Annapolis
Annapolis Middle Annapolis
Annapolis Sr. High Annapolis
Wiley H. Bates Middle Annapolis
Cape St. Claire Elementary Annapolis
Eastport Elementary Annapolis
Georgetown East Elementary Annapolis
Germantown Elementary Annapolis
Hillsmere Elementary Annapolis
J. Albert Adams Academy At Adams Park Annapolis
Mayo Elementary Annapolis
Mills - Parole Elementary Annapolis
Rolling Knolls Elementary Annapolis
Tyler Heights Elementary Annapolis
West Annapolis Elementary Annapolis
Broadneck Senior High Annapolis
Windsor Farm Elementary Annapolis
Phoenix Center - Annapolis Annapolis
Arnold Elementary Arnold
Belvedere Elementary Arnold
Broadneck Elementary Arnold
Magothy River Middle Arnold
Severn River Middle Arnold
Carroll Manor Elementary Baldwin
Alternative Learning Center Balitmore
Belle Grove Elementary Baltimore
Brooklyn Park Elementary Baltimore
Brooklyn Park Middle Baltimore
Park Elementary Baltimore
Abbottston Elementary Baltimore
Alexander Hamilton Elementary Baltimore
Arlington Elementary Baltimore
Armistead Gardens Elementary Baltimore
Arundel Elementary/middle Baltimore
Dr. Nathan A. Pitts Ashburton Elementary/middle Baltimore
Baltimore City College Baltimore
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Baltimore
Barclay Elementary/middle Baltimore
Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary Baltimore
Bay-brook Elementary Baltimore
Beechfield Elementary Baltimore
Belmont Elementary Baltimore
Benjamin Franklin Jr. High Baltimore
Bentalou Elementary Baltimore
Booker T. Washington Middle Baltimore
Brehms Lane Elementary Baltimore
Callaway Elementary Baltimore
Calverton Middle Baltimore
Canton Middle Baltimore
Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Prek Through 8 Baltimore
Carver Vocational-technical High Baltimore
Cecil Elementary Baltimore
Cherry Hill Elementary/middle Baltimore
Arnett J. Brown, Jr. Middle Baltimore
Chinquapin Middle Baltimore
City Springs Elementary Baltimore
Claremont School Baltimore
Coldstream Park Elementary Baltimore
Collington Square Elementary Baltimore
Commodore John Rogers Elementary Baltimore
Cross Country Elementary Baltimore
Curtis Bay Elementary Baltimore
Dallas F. Nicholas Sr. Elementary Baltimore
Dickey Hill Elementary/middle Baltimore
Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. Elementary Baltimore
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary Baltimore
Dr. Rayner Browne Elementary Baltimore
Edgecombe Circle Elementary Baltimore
Edgewood Elementary Baltimore
Edmondson-westside High Baltimore
Elmer A. Henderson Elementary Baltimore
Eutaw-marshburn Elementary Baltimore
Fallstaff Middle Baltimore
Federal Hill Elementary Baltimore
Forest Park High Baltimore
Fort Worthington Elementary Baltimore
Francis Scott Key Elementary/middle Baltimore
Franklin Square Elementary Baltimore
Frederick Douglass High Baltimore
Furley Elementary Baltimore
Furman L. Templeton Elementary Baltimore
Gardenville Elementary Baltimore
Garrett Heights Elementary Baltimore
General Wolfe Elementary Baltimore
George G. Kelson Elementary Baltimore
George W. F. Mcmechen Middle/high Baltimore
George Washington Elementary Baltimore
Gilmor Elementary Baltimore
Glenmount Elementary/middle Baltimore
Govans Elementary Baltimore
Graceland Park Elementary Baltimore
Dr. Roland N. Patterson Sr. Academy Baltimore
Grove Park Elementary Baltimore
Garrison Middle Baltimore
Gwynns Falls Elementary Baltimore
Hamilton Elementary/middle Baltimore
Hamilton Middle Baltimore
Hampden Elementary Baltimore
Hampstead Hill Elementary Baltimore
Highlandtown Middle Baltimore
Harbor City High School Baltimore
Harford Heights Primary Baltimore
Harlem Park Elementary Baltimore
Harlem Park Middle Baltimore
Hazelwood Elementary/middle Baltimore
Highlandtown Elementary Baltimore
Highlandtown Elementary Baltimore
Hilton Elementary Baltimore
Holabird Elementary Baltimore
James Mchenry Elementary Baltimore
James Mosher Elementary Baltimore
John Eager Howard Elementary Baltimore
John Ruhrah Elementary Baltimore
Johnston Square Elementary Baltimore
Central Career Center At Briscoe Baltimore
Lockerman Bundy Elementary Baltimore
Diggs-johnson Middle Baltimore
Lafayette Elementary Baltimore
Lake Clifton-eastern High Baltimore
Lakeland Elementary/middle Baltimore
Lakewood Elementary Baltimore
Langston Hughes Elementary Baltimore
Laurence G. Paquin Middle/high Baltimore
Leith Walk Elementary Baltimore
Liberty Elementary Baltimore
Lombard Middle Baltimore
Lyndhurst Elementary Baltimore
Margaret Brent Elementary Baltimore
Mary E. Rodman Elementary Baltimore
Matthew A. Henson Elementary Baltimore
Medfield Heights Elementary Baltimore
Mergenthaler Vocational-technical High Baltimore
Montebello Elementary Baltimore
Moravia Park Primary Baltimore
Morrell Park Elementary/middle Baltimore
Mount Royal Elementary/middle Baltimore
Mount Washington Elementary Baltimore
Northeast Middle Baltimore
Northwestern High Baltimore
Northwood Elementary Baltimore
Patapsco Elementary Baltimore
Patterson High Baltimore
Paul Laurence Dunbar High Baltimore
Pimlico Elementary Baltimore
Pimlico Middle Baltimore
Harriet Tubman Elementary Baltimore
Robert Poole Middle Baltimore
Robert W. Coleman Elementary Baltimore
Rognel Heights Elementary/middle Baltimore
Roland Park Elementary/middle Baltimore
Rosemont Elementary Baltimore
Samuel Coleridge-taylor Elementary Baltimore
Samuel F. B. Morse Elementary Baltimore
Sarah M. Roach Elementary Baltimore
Sinclair Lane Elementary Baltimore
Southeast Middle Baltimore
Southern Senior High Baltimore
Southwestern High Baltimore
Steuart Hill Elementary Baltimore
Tench Tilghman Elementary Baltimore
Thomas G. Hayes Elementary Baltimore
Thomas Jefferson Elementary Baltimore
Thomas Johnson Elementary Baltimore
Waverly Career Center Baltimore
Violetville Elementary/middle Baltimore
Walbrook High Baltimore
Walter P. Carter Elementary Baltimore
Waverly Elementary Baltimore
Western High Baltimore
Westport Academy Baltimore
Westside Elementary Baltimore
William H. Lemmel Middle Baltimore
William Paca Elementary Baltimore
William Pinderhughes Elementary Baltimore
William S. Baer School Baltimore
Windsor Hills Elementary Baltimore
Winston Middle Baltimore
Woodhome Elementary/middle Baltimore
Yorkwood Elementary Baltimore
Thurgood Marshall Middle #170 Baltimore

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