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Public Schools in Silver Spring, MD

Our database includes records of 51 public schools in Silver Spring, Maryland. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Argyle Middle
Bel Pre Elementary
Briggs Chaney Middle
Broad Acres Elementary
Burnt Mills Elementary
Cannon Road Elementary
Cloverly Elementary
Col. E. Brooke Lee Middle
Cresthaven Elementary
Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary
East Silver Spring Elementary
Eastern Middle School
Fairland Elementary
Forest Knolls Elementary
Francis Scott Key Middle
Galway Elementary
Georgian Forest Elementary
Glenallan Elementary
Greencastle Elementary
Harmony Hills Elementary
Highland Elementary
Highland View Elementary
Jackson Road Elementary
James Hubert Blake High
John F. Kennedy High
Kemp Mill Elementary
Mckenney Hills Alternative Center
Montgomery Blair High
Montgomery County Evening High
Montgomery Knolls Elementary
New Hampshire Estates Elem
Oak View Elementary
Oakland Terrace Elementary
Pine Crest Elementary
Rockville High
Rosemary Hills Elementary
Silver Spring International Middle
Sligo Creek Elementary
Sligo Middle
Springbrook High
Stonegate Elementary
Strathmore Elementary
Takoma Park Middle School
Thomas Edison High School Of Technology
Viers Mill Elementary
Weller Road Elementary
Westover Elementary
Wheaton High
White Oak Middle
William Tyler Page Elementary
Woodlin Elementary

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