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Public Schools in South Carolina

Our database includes records of 1177 public schools in South Carolina. Focus your search to a particular South Carolina public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific South Carolina city.

Name City
Indian Land High School Fort Mill
Gold Hill Elementary School Fort Mill
Gold Hill Middle Fort Mill
Orchard Park Elementary Fort Mill
Springfield Elementary Fort Mill
Fort Mill Elementary Fort Mill
Riverview Elementary Fort Mill
Fort Mill Middle School Fort Mill
Fort Mill High Fort Mill
Fountain Inn Elementary Fountain Inn
Gadsden Elementary School Gadsden
Alma Elementary Gaffney
Corinth Elementary School Gaffney
Draytonville Elementary School Gaffney
Mary Bramlett Elementary Gaffney
Goucher Elementary Gaffney
B D Lee Elementary Gaffney
Luther Vaughan Elementary Gaffney
John E. Ewing Middle School Gaffney
Gaffney Senior High Gaffney
Granard Middle School Gaffney
Limestone/central Elementary Gaffney
Cherokee Vocational Center Gaffney
Grassy Pond Elementary Gaffney
Northwest Elementary Gaffney
Gaffney Middle School Gaffney
Midland Elementary School Galivants Ferry
Seaside Elementary School Garden City
Francis F. Mack Elementary Gaston
Sandhills Middle Gaston
Brown's Ferry Elementary Georgetown
Kensington Elementary Georgetown
Maryville Elementary Georgetown
Mcdonald Road Elementary Georgetown
Plantersville Elem School Georgetown
Sampit Elementary School Georgetown
Georgetown High School Georgetown
Georgetown Middle Georgetown
Gilbert Middle School Gilbert
Gilbert Primary Gilbert
Gilbert Elementary School Gilbert
Gilbert High School Gilbert
Gloverville Elementary Gloverville
Sedgefield Intermediate Goose Creek
Devon Forest Elementary Goose Creek
Boulder Bluff Elementary Goose Creek
Menriv Park Elementary Goose Creek
Westview Intermediate Goose Creek
Sedgefield Middle School Goose Creek
Goose Creek High School Goose Creek
Westview Primary Goose Creek
Goose Creek Primary Goose Creek
Marrington Middle School Goose Creek
Howe Hall Elememtary School Goose Creek
Marrington Elementary School Goose Creek
Westview Middle School Goose Creek
Stratford High Goose Creek
Byrd Elementary School Graniteville
Midland Valley Preparatory School Graniteville
Leavelle Mccampbell Middle Graniteville
Hickory Tavern Middle Gray Court
Gray Court-owings Elementary Gray Court
Pleasant View Elementary Gray Court
Great Falls Elementary Great Falls
Great Falls High School Great Falls
Great Falls Middle Great Falls
Greeleyville Elementary School Greeleyville
C E Murray High School Greeleyville
Green Sea Floyds Elementary Green Sea
Green Sea Floyds High Green Sea
Powdersville Middle Greenville
Greenville Technical Charter Greenville
Meyer Center Greenville
Alexander Elementary School Greenville
Armstrong Elementary School Greenville
Augusta Circle El Greenville
Bakers Chapel Elementary Greenville
Berea Elementary School Greenville
Blythe Academy School Greenville
Sara Collins Elementary School Greenville
Cone/sans Souci Elementary Greenville
Duncan Chapel Elementary Greenville
Robert E Cushion Elementary(egantt) Greenville
East North Street Academy Greenville
Hollis Academy Greenville
Lake Forest Elementary School Greenville
Laurel Creek Elementary School Greenville
Mitchell Road Elementary Greenville
Monaview Elementary Greenville
Paris Elementary School Greenville
Pelham Road Elementary Greenville
Sans Souci Elementary School Greenville
Sirrine Elementary School Greenville
Stone Academy Greenville
Summit Drive Elementary School Greenville
Welcome Elementary School Greenville
Westcliffe Elementary Greenville
Greenbrier Elementary Greenville
Berea High School Greenville
Carolina High School Greenville
Greenville High School Greenville
Wade Hampton High School Greenville
J L Mann High School Greenville
Parker Academy Greenville
Southside High School Greenville
Washington Center Greenville
Marshall I Pickens School Greenville
Donaldson Vocational Center Greenville
Enoree Area Vocational Center Greenville
Golden Strip Career Center Greenville
Robert E. Cashion Elementary School Greenville
Cherrydale Elementary Greenville
Beck Academy Of Language Greenville
Berea Middle School Greenville
Greenview Elementary School Greenville
Greenville Middle Academy Greenville
Hughes Middle School Greenville
Lakeview Middle School Greenville
League Academy Greenville
Tanglewood Middle School Greenville
Leath Women's Correctional Institution Greenwood
Greenwood Cty Career Ctr. Greenwood
Springfield Elementary School Greenwood
East End Elementary School Greenwood
Lakeview Elementary School Greenwood
Mathews Elementary School Greenwood
Merrywood Elementary School Greenwood
Pinecrest Elementary School Greenwood
Woodfields Elementary School Greenwood
Emerald High School Greenwood
Northside Middle School Greenwood
Southside Middle School Greenwood
Greenwood High School Greenwood
Westview Middle Greenwood
Brewer Middle School Greenwood
Oakland Elementary School Greenwood
Chandler Creek Elementary School Greer
Riverside Middle School Greer
Crestview Elementary Greer
Skyland Elementary Greer
Woodland Elementary Greer
Blue Ridge High School Greer
Greer High School Greer
Riverside High School Greer
Palmetto Charter School Greer
Greer Middle School Greer
Buena Vista Elementary School Greer
Blue Ridge Middle Greer
Sevier Middle School Greeville
Brittons Neck High School Gresham
Britton's Neck Elementary Gresham
Hampton Elementary Hampton
Wade Hampton High School Hampton
Ben Hazel Primary School Hampton
Hanahan Middle School Hanahan
Hanahan High Hanahan
Hanahan Elementary School Hanahan
West Hardeeville Elementary Hardeeville
Southside Early Childhood Center Hartsville
Carolina Elementary School Hartsville
North Hartsville Elementary Hartsville
Thornwell Elementary Hartsville
West Hartsville Elementary Hartsville
Washington Street Elementary Hartsville
Hartsville Jr High School Hartsville
Hartsville High School Hartsville
Heath Springs Elementary Heath Springs
Pleasant Hill Elementary Hemingway
Hemingway High School Hemingway
Chavis Elementary School Hemingway
Carvers Bay High School Hemmingway
Carvers Bay Middle Hemmingway
Hickory Grove-sharon Elementary Hickory Grove
H. E. Mccracken Middle School Hilton Head
Hilton Head High School Hilton Head
Hilton Head Middle School Hilton Head
Hilton Head Elementary School Hilton Head Is
Hodges Elementary School Hodges
Holly Hill Elementary School Holly Hill
Holly Hill-roberts High Holly Hill
Lake Marion High School Holly Hill
Holly Hill Middle School Holly Hill
Honea Path Elementary Honea Path
Belton Honea Path High Honea Path
Honea Path Middle School Honea Path
Southeast Middle School Hopkins
Hopkins Elementary School Hopkins
Horrell Hill Elementary School Hopkins
Lower Richland High School Hopkins
Hopkins Middle School Hopkins
Cainhoy Middle School Huger
Cainhoy Elementary/middle School Huger
H B Swofford Avc Inman
Inman Elementary School Inman
New Prospect Elementary Inman
Chapman High School Inman
T E Mabry Jr High School Inman
Oakland Elementary School Inman
Dutch Fork High Irmo
River Springs Elementary Irmo

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