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Public Schools in South Carolina

Our database includes records of 1177 public schools in South Carolina. Focus your search to a particular South Carolina public school system or click a name from the below list to view location details or choose to narrow the below list to schools in a specific South Carolina city.

Name City
Z L Madden Elementary Spartanburg
Park Hills Elementary Spartanburg
Pine Street Elementary School Spartanburg
W Herbert Chapman Elementary Spartanburg
Mary H Wright Elementary Spartanburg
Carver Jr High School Spartanburg
Myles W Whitlock Jr High Spartanburg
J. G. Mccracken Jr. High Spartanburg
Spartanburg High School Spartanburg
Mccarthy/teszler School Spartanburg
Guinyard Elementary St Matthews
John Ford Middle St Matthews
Calhoun County High School St Matthews
J K Gourdin Elementary School St Stephen
St Stephen Elementary St Stephen
St Stephen Middle St Stephen
St. George Middle School St. George
Williams Memorial Elementary St. George
St Helena Elementary School St. Helena Is.
Timberland High School St. Stephen
Starr Elementary Starr
Starr Iva Middle School Starr
Northeast Center State Park
Sullivans Island El Sullivans Is
Scott's Branch Middle Summerton
St. Paul Primary Summerton
Scotts Branch High Summerton
Sangaree Elementary Summerville
Sangaree Intermediate Summerville
Beech Hill Elementary Summerville
Gregg Middle School Summerville
Knightsville Elementary Summerville
Summerville Elementary School Summerville
Spann Elementary School Summerville
Rollings Middle School Of The Arts Summerville
Newington Elementary School Summerville
Summerville High School Summerville
Alston Middle School Summerville
Flowertown Elementary Summerville
Charles B Dubose Middle Summerville
Chestnut Oak Middle Sumter
Alice Drive Elementary School Sumter
Crosswell Drive Elementary Sumter
Lemira Elementary School Sumter
Millwood Elementary Sumter
Wilder Elementary School Sumter
Willow Drive Elementary Sumter
Alice Drive Middle School Sumter
Bates Middle School Sumter
Sumter High School Sumter
Kingsbury Elementary Sumter
Sumter County Career Center Sumter
Crestwood High School Sumter
Lakewood High School Sumter
Cherryvale Elementary School Sumter
R E Davis Elementary Sumter
Oakland Primary School Sumter
Ebenezer Middle School Sumter
Furman Middle School Sumter
Mayewood Middle School Sumter
High Hills Elementary School Sumter
Pocalla Springs Elementary School Sumter
Sandy Run Elementary School Swansea
Sandhills Elementary Swansea
Sandhills Intermediate Swansea
Swansea Elementary School Swansea
Swansea High School Swansea
Tamassee Elementary School Tamassee
Brook Glenn Elementary Taylors
Brushy Creek Elementary School Taylors
Mountain View Elementary Taylors
Taylors Elementary School Taylors
Eastside High School Taylors
J. Harley Bonds Avc Taylors
Northwood Middle School Taylors
Tigerville El Tigerville
Timmonsville High Timmonsville
Johnson Middle School Timmonsville
Brockington Elementary Timmonsville
Townville Elementary Townville
Heritage Elementary Travelers Rest
Travelers Rest High Travelers Rest
Wohali Academy Charter School Travelers Rest
Northwest Middle School Travelers Rest
Gateway Elem Travelers Rest
Trenton Correctional Institution Trenton
Douglas Elementary School Trenton
Turbeville Correctional Institution Turbeville
East Clarendon High School Turbeville
East Clarendon Middle School Turbeville
Excelsior Middle School Union
Foster Park Elementary Union
Monarch Elementary Union
Sims Jr High School Union
Union Comprehensive High Union
Vance-providence Elementary Vance
Varnville Primary School Varnville
North District Middle School Varnville
White Knoll Middle School W. Columbia
Edith L Frierson Elementary Wadamalaw Isl
A L Corbett Middle School Wagener
Wagener Salley High Wagener
Cyril B Busbee Elementary Wagener
James M. Brown Elementary Walhalla
Walhalla Elementary School Walhalla
Walhalla Senior High School Walhalla
Walhalla Middle School Walhalla
Wallace Elementary/middle Wallace
Northside Elementary School Walterboro
Black Street Elementary School Walterboro
Forest Circle Middle School Walterboro
Forest Hills Elementary Walterboro
Colleton Middle Walterboro
Colleton County High Walterboro
Thunderbolt Career And Technolgy Walterboro
Hendersonville Elementary Walterboro
Ware Shoals Elementary Ware Shoals
Ware Shoals Primary Ware Shoals
Ware Shoals High Ware Shoals
Warrenville Elementary Warrenville
Waterloo Elementary School Waterloo
J F Delaine Elementary School Wedgefield
Wellford Elementary Wellford
White Knoll Elementary School West Columbia
Congaree/wood Early Childhood West Columbia
B C Grammar School No. 1 West Columbia
Congaree Elementary School West Columbia
George I Pair Jr Elementary West Columbia
Pineview Elementary West Columbia
Saluda River Elementary West Columbia
Springdale Elementary School West Columbia
Herbert A Wood Elememtaru School West Columbia
Airport High School West Columbia
Northside Middle West Columbia
Pine Ridge Middle School West Columbia
R H Fulmer Middle School West Columbia
West Pelzer Elementary West Pelzer
Orchard Park Elementary Westminister
Fair-oak Elementary School Westminster
Westminster Elementary School Westminster
West-oak Sr High Westminster
Oakway Middle School Westminster
Westminster Middle Westminster
Whitmire Elementary School Whitmire
Whitmire High School Whitmire
Career/tech Ctr Anderson 1 & 2 Williamston
Cedar Grove Elementary Williamston
Palmetto Middle School Williamston
Williamston Child Development Ctr Williamston
Palmetto High Williamston
Palmetto Elementary Williamston
Kelly Edwards Elementary Williston
Williston Elko High School Williston
Williston-elko Middle School Williston
Kelly Miller Elementary Winnsboro
Fairfield Middle School Winnsboro
Gordan Early Learning Childhood Winnsboro
Fairfield Career & Tec Ctr. Winnsboro
Fairfield Central High School Winnsboro
Fairfield Primary School Winnsboro
Fairfield Intermediate Winnsboro
Woodruff Primary Woodruff
Woodruff Elementary Woodruff
Woodruff Middle School Woodruff
Woodruff High School Woodruff
Fennell Elementary Yemassee
Minnie Hughes Elementary Yonges Island
Baptist Hill High Yonges Island
C C Blaney Elementary Yonges Island
R D Schroder Middle School Yonges Island
Cottenbelt Elementary York
Jefferson Elementary School York
H C Johnson Middle York
York Comprehensive High School York
Floyd D Johnson Tec Cen York
York Junior High York
Hunter Street Elementary York

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