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Public Schools in Nashville, TN

Our database includes records of 102 public schools in Nashville, Tennessee. Click a name from the below list to view location details.

School Name
Bailey Middle School
Bellevue Middle School
Bellshire Design Center
Binkley Elementary School
Bordeaux Enhanced Option
Brick Church Middle School
Brookmeade Elementary
Buena Vista Enhanced Option
C Lawrence School
Caldwell Enhanced Option
Cameron Middle School
Carter Lawrence Elementary Magnet School
Charlotte Park Elementary
Cockrill Elementary School
Cohn Alternative School
Cora Howe Elementary School
Cotton Elementary School
Crieve Hall Elementary School
Croft Design Center
Cumberland Elementary School
Dalewood Middle School
Dan Mills Elementary School
Donelson Middle School
Eakin Elementary School
East Literature Magnet School
Ewing Park Middle School
Fall-hamilton Elementary
Glencliff Comp High School
Glencliff Elementary School
Glendale Middle School
Glengarry Elementary School
Glenn Enhance Option School
Glenview Elementary School
Gower Elementary School
Gra-mar Middle School
H G Hill Middle School
Harpeth Valley Elementary
Harris Hillman Special
Haynes Health/medical Science Design
Haynes Middle School
Haywood Elementary School
Head Middle Mathematics / Science Magnet
Hickman Elementary
Hillsboro Comp High School
Hillwood Comp High School
Hull Jackson Montessori Magnet
Hume Fogg Magnet High School
Hunters Lane Comprehensive High School
Inglewood Elementary School
Isaac Litton Middle School
J Baxter Alternative
Jere Baxter Middle School
John B Whitsitt Elementary School
John Early Paideia Magnet School
John Overton Comprehensive High School
John T Moore Middle School
Johnson Alternative School
Jones Paideia Magnet School
Julia Green Elementary School
Kings Lane Design Center
Kirkpatrick Enhanced Option
Lakeview Design Center
Lockeland Elementary School
Maplewood Comprehensive High School
Margaret Allen Montessori Magnet School
Martha Vaught Middle School
Martin Luther King Jr Magnet- Pearl High School
Mcgavock Comprehensive High School
Mcgavock Elementary School
Mckissack-crewell Professional Development School
Mcmurray Middle School
Meigs Magnet Middle School
Middle College High School
Murphy Alternative Learning Center
Murrell Special Education
Napier Enhancement Option
Nashville School For The Arts
Nashville School Of The Arts
Paragon Mills Elementary
Park Avenue Enhanced Option
Pearl Cohn Magnet High School
Pennington Elementary School
Percy Priest Elementary School
Renaissance High School
Rose Park Math/science Magnet School
Rosebank Elementary School
Ross Elementary School
Shwab Elementary School
Smithson Craighead Academy
Stanford Montessori School
Stratford Comprehensive High School
Sylvan Park Paideia Design Center
Tom Joy Elementary School
Tusculum Elementary School
Two Rivers Middle School
Una Elementary School
W. A. Bass Middle School
Warner Elementary School
West End Middle School
Westmeade Elementary School
Wharton Arts Magnet School
Wright Middle School

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